Nashville Fellows
Nashville, Tennessee
Program Description
The Nashville Fellows Program is a nine-month leadership development program for recent college graduates that aims to form them as ministry and marketplace leaders seeking to transform the culture of the city. Why do we do this? We do this because we believe all work matters to God; our work is not separate from our faith. Rather, our faith informs the way we work and contribute to the common good of the community around us. We offer recent college graduates a holistic opportunity to enhance their understanding of who they are called to be in Christ and engage with their calling to further God's kingdom in their vocation and every aspect of life.
The Fellows Program runs from August to May and is hosted by a collaboration of three churches in the Nashville area. Through this unique ecumenical approach, we seek to equip young adults to both understand the importance of church unity amidst an increasingly fragmented culture and develop a framework for engaging this culture towards His redemptive and transformative power.
Engaging the Kingdom. Transforming the city.
Program Staff
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