Falls Church Fellows
Falls Church, Virginia - DC Area
Program Description
Founded in 1994, The Falls Church Fellows has been drawing young Christian leaders to the Washington DC area for over two decades. Our nine month program equips recent college graduates to live seamless lives of faith in family, vocation, community, discipleship, and service. It is our desire that Fellows will START WELL within a body of believers, developing habits of heart and mind for long-term flourishing in their relationships and vocations.
A Falls Church Fellow works three days a week in a paid position in a field of interest (from Capitol Hill to international aid to banking and more), and receives professional vocational counseling throughout the year. Each Fellow lives with a host family, learns from a mentor, and disciples teens in our church’s youth ministry. As a whole, our Fellows serve in the community, study the Bible, participate in a weekly professional seminar series, and take a graduate level seminary course each semester (Fall- Biblical Redemptive History and its impact on your personal callings in life; Spring - Storytelling: Knowing, Applying, and Loving the World Through the Lens of God’s Story). Weekly dinners and periodic retreats provide a forum for Fellows to live in authentic community as they share their stories, and serve, worship, and pray together. While engaging the culture of the Washington DC area, Fellows work out their faith in a small community of believers - the Fellows class.
Program Staff
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